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Known Issues & Updates - 10/5/19

posted Oct 5, 2019, 3:03 PM by Christopher Ferguson   [ updated Nov 24, 2019, 6:08 PM]
Alright, one of the most important things on people's minds is how after December 20 2020 Flash will no longer work through Google Chrome, which is a giant concern for me. As of currently, I am planning on making an 'archive' of sorts to make sure the swf files for much of the flash games on this site (and others) are downloadable, a long with a player so you can play them outside of web browsers. 

I'm glad that some of the larger games on this site, Tanki, already has been updated to HTML5 by it's developers. I'll try to add that version of the game very soon.
Beyond that, this essentially comes as a notification that the site is still being updated.

In the mean time, I will look into adding more Lucas Arts adventure games.

EDIT: HTML 5 Tanki is done. Unfortunately full screen doesn't work, which I will look into.